Good news for many mygame players in Asia Market! International Mygame Casino is bringing its live, esports and slot games to Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia. The company recently announced that its games will be available in these three southeast Asian countries.
It’s launching the new release in mid of 2022 with support for English, Bahasa and Bahasa Indonesia, as well as Chinese. Mygame Casino has been around since 2016, but this is its first big expansion.
It’s also the first time they’re offering standalone casino-style games, which is a bit of a departure from their usual casual strategy titles. The new live and slots are being developed by MyGame Developers
Growing Markets Require Rapid Expansion
Mygame Casino has partnered with several companies in the southeast Asia gaming market, and it has also developed its own technology to quickly launch in new markets. It has also announced partnerships with several payment providers in the Singapore, as well as in Indonesia and Brunei.
All of these moves are intended to help the company quickly expand in these key markets. Mygame Casino is also using its new partner relationships to continue its expansion into other southeast Asian countries like Vietnam and Thailand.
Southeast Asia is one of the fastest-growing gaming markets in the world. According to various analysts, it’s expected to grow from $7.2 billion in 2018 to $15.4 billion in 2025.
Finding the Right Partners
Mygame Casino will use its own technology to launch the new games, but it will rely on partners to offer customer service in these three markets. The company is working with a local operator in the respective country and international partner to handle support in all three countries.
That operator is also a Mygame partner that will help the company bring its games to new markets in the region. The company is also partnering with Philippines-based payment providers, including Aeon Credit and UnionBank.
Mygame Casino has been working with these providers since 2016, and they’ll also help bring the new games to Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia. For these new markets, the company is working with Kompass Payment Solutions and local payment partners.
Addressing Regulatory Concerns
Regulatory concerns have been an issue for the online gaming industry for several years, and Mygame Casino has addressed them in its new release. The company has worked with a local operator and payment providers in each of these new markets to ensure compliance.
Mygame Casino will also use its own technology to protect customer data and KYC compliance. The company will use geo-blocking, IP tracking, and other controls to make sure only people in these three countries can play the new games.
Mygame Casino has also partnered with local providers in each country to handle age verification and ID verification.
Protecting Customer Data and KYC Compliance
Mygame Casino has also made sure that its new games protect customer data and are KYC compliant. The company has partnered with an external provider, Kredi ID, to verify player identities and protect data.
This provider has been used by many online companies in southeast Asia to comply with local regulations. The data collected by Kredi ID is encrypted and stored in a secure database in Indonesia. Mygame Casino will also provide the data needed for KYC compliance.
Mygame Casino is expanding its offerings from casual games to slot games, and it’s entering new markets in Asia with those new releases.
It’s also using its own technology to launch the games quickly and efficiently. The company is also taking steps to ensure compliance in these new markets.
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